Welcome to the John Swett High School Counselor website! 

The JSHS Counseling team is excited to work with you and help you through your high school journey! We will continue updating this website for additional resources that you can use but remember that you can always schedule an appointment with your counselor by email, or in person in the Counseling office. As a general reminder, school counselors, teachers, and administrators are mandated reporters; we are required to report any suspected child abuse and/or neglect to the local reporting authority. Students and families should refer to their health providers and/or community resources for immediate support. If you or someone you know is in crisis, please refer to the crisis hotlines and in case of emergency please call 911. 

Current Announcements:

January/February 2025 now available!

Class of 2025

JohnSwett HS - CFC Workshop Flyer (2).pdf


Mobile Health Van

Homework Clinic

Say Something App

JSHS School Event Calendar